The Witch's Hour

The Witch's Hour is a game I created for a class in the fall of 2019 and revamped in a different course during the spring of 2020. Download, or play in-browser below!

It's finals week, and you're stressed as shit. You decide to leave your room for the first time in hours, and, depending on your choices, make a life-altering journey.

This is an interactive story! The game branches off into three major routes, letting you meet three unique witches. You can romance, befriend, or abandon these characters as you wish!

Have fun and let me know what you think! Ending Guide below.

Click here for a choice guide!



Below are all the character sprites included in the game!


Scroll to view all the backgrounds that can be found in the game!

Special Endings

This is art you can unlock with specific route endings. There's 6 special endings in total, and 12 ways to get to the boring end!

Process Videos

Below you'll find the sped-up digital painting process of the all the artwork done for this game! Ranging from backgrounds, sprites, assets, and more, you can watch as I pour my sweat and blood into this project. Enjoy!

The Sequel

I am currently working on creating a sequel that introduces two more characters! The plan is to make a more in-depth game with more interactive options. Below is some concept art!

Where to Find Me:

This work is liscenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareALike 3.0 License. CC. For questions, comments, or concerns, please email